Minggu, 20 November 2016

Warning & Advice

Warning and Advice
Asking for Advice
Could you give us some advice?
What should we do if we see one?
What do you think we should take with us?
Do you think it’s a good idea to take some warm clothes

Giving Advice
If I were you, I would take plenty of warm clothes.
It’s a good idea to take a spare map in case you lose one.
Don’t forget to tell them when you expect to be back.
Make sure you take plenty of water.
You’d better come up immediately.

Giving Warnings
Watch out for bears.
Be careful when you are crossing rivers.
Whatever you do don’t lose your partner.
Don’t come up too quickly, or else you could be in trouble.

Responding Advice / Warnings
Yes, we will.
That’s a good idea. I hadn’t thought of that.
That’s really useful, thanks.
Right, thanks. That’s very helpful.

If I were you, I would ….infinitive
You’d better ….infinitive
If I were you, I would take plenty of warm clothes.
You would better come up immediately.

It’s a good idea …to..
Don’t forget …to…
It’s a good idea to take a spare map in case you lose one.
Don’t forget to tell them when you expect to be back.

Whatever you do ….imperative (usually negative)
Whatever you do don’t lose your partner.

Be careful ….of + noun
Be careful of pickpockets.
You’d better = You had better.

PAOLA  Do you think it’s a good idea to get there early?
SIMON If I were you I’d plan to get there about 11, when the tide is out.
PAOLA  What do you mean?
SIMON Well, remember that there’s a big tide here, so the level of the sea changes. If you get to the beach at 11, it’ll be enormous but during the day the sea rises and the beach gets quite small.
PAOLA  Oh, I see.
SIMON So whatever you do, don’t get trapped. I mean if you go for a walk along the beach, make sure you can always get back, because the tide means that the sea rises quite quickly.
PAOLA  OK. Thanks for telling me. I hadn’t thought of that. What do you think we should take with us?
SIMON Well, you’d better take plenty of warm clothes because even when it’s sunny there’s a chilly wind. It’s not like Italy you know!
PAOLA  I’d noticed!
SIMON And if it’s too cold to swim there’s a beautiful walk along the coast, so don’t forget to take some good walking boots. Oh, and watch out for snakes.
PAOLA  That’s very helpful. Thank you.
SIMON Oh, and one last thing.
PAOLA  What’s that?
SIMON Make sure you don’t leave anything important in your car or else you might not find it when you get back!
PAOLA  OK, we won’t. Thanks, Simon.

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