Selasa, 28 Februari 2017

SImilar Meaning

She doesn’t let her sister borrow her clothes.

She doesn’t allow her sister to borrow her clothes.

I would rather stay at home.

I'd prefer staying at home.

He continues to phone me every night.

He keeps phoning me every night.

They said to me, “ Buy a house with a garden!”

They told me to buy a house with a garden.

It looked like it was closed.

It seemed closed.


I never remember password. (hopeless at)
I am hopeless at remembering password.
My parents don’t have a clue how to get broadband. (no idea)
My parents have no idea how to get broadband.
I was able to send an email, but I don’t know if it arrived. (manage)
I managed to send an email, but I don’t know if it arrived.
I could get emails, but I couldn’t send any. (be able to, not be able to).
I was able to get emails, but I wasn’t able to send any.

Ability - Guess My Name

Ability Guess my Name

When I was child, I was quite good at ……………

And I was also able to …………quite well,

But I was completely useless at …………

I also found ……….. is very difficult.

However I could …….better than some of the other kids at school

And by the age of …….. I knew how …..

I also managed to pass …………when I was

These days I think I’m quite good at ………..and I am not bad at ……..either.

Unfortunately I have no idea how …………and most of my friends think I am terrible at …………

And I still don’t know how …………

Some of my friends are actually quite talented.

For example, my friend …… brilliant at….

And as for my family, my ………I able to …………quite well,

But my …………hasn’t got a clue how to ………

My daughter can use computer much better than me (know how).

My daughter know how to use computer much better than me.