Adjective for giving opinions
Inevitable = certain
to happen
Climate change is inevitable.
Damaging = cause harm
Many chemicals have a damaging effect on the environment.
Disturbing = make you
feel worried, shocked, or upset
There has been a disturbing increase in crime in the city.
Wasteful = use thing
in a way that doesn’t use them efficiently or completely
Throwing food away is so wasteful.
Moral = behave in a
way that is thought by most people to be honest and correct X immoral
It can be hard to make moral judgements when you are in
Ethical = connected
to beliefs of what is right and wrong or morally correct X unethical
I don’t think it is ethical to do experiments on animals.
Legal = allowed by
law X illegal
It is legal to drive in the UK if you are 17 or over.
Sustainable = able to
continue for a long time X unsustainable
We need a sustainable transport policy.
Justifiable =
acceptable or correct because you are able to see a good reason X unjustifiable
Is it justifiable to cut down forests to make paper?
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