Jumat, 30 November 2018

Vocabulary - GE 9 Unit 5

Glittering = agak berkilauan

Unsightly = terlihat tak menarik

Eat away at = pelan-pelan merusak atau menghancurkan

Orderly = tersusun rapi

Flourish = sukses besar

Swop = tiba-tiba menukik

Prey = mangsa binatang lain

Predator = pemangsa hewan lain

All pigeons fear this predator.

Exploit = sebanyak mungkin mengeruk untung

By exploiting this fear, they make their living.


The falcons do not actually harm the bird they chase.

Tempt = membujuk dengan iming-iming

He tempts the falcon back with pieces of meat.

Aviary = sangkar burung

His daily routine starts with cleaning the falcons’ aviary.

Clip = melekatkan

They has a transmitter clipped to their backs.

Locate = menemukan posisi

If he loses one, he can locate it.

Rabu, 28 November 2018

Recap - GE 9 Unit 5

Unit 5

I didn’t know Joe was back. I will give her a call.

I am going to see Joe tomorrow. Shall I ask her to call you?

I have just seen a fabulous jacket. I think I am going to buy it.

I have made an appointment and I am seeing the doctor at 4 p.m. tomorrow.

Perhaps I will be seeing her when I am in Bali next week.

See you tomorrow. I will call you before I leave.

Selasa, 27 November 2018

Compound Adjective Describing - GE 9 Unit 6

Compound adjective describing

Strong-willed = kukuh pada pendirian

Self-conscious = shy and easily embarrassed – rishi merasa selalu dilihat dan dinilai.

Laid-back = tenang – rileks.

Open-minded = senang menerima perbedaan

Self-centered = hanya tertarik dengan aktivitas pribadi

Esay-going = tak mudah marah atau terganggu oleh masalah atau tindakan orang lain.

Big-headed = besar kepala

Bad-tempered = mudah marah/jengkel temperamen

Absen-minded = gampang lupa - pelupa

Level-headed = kepala dingin, bisa memutuskan dalam situasi sulit

Self-assured = yekin kemampuan diri.

Example :


Self-centered people are only interested in themselves.

Laid-back people are very relaxed.

Bad-tempered people tend to forget things.

Strong-willed people are determined to behave in a particular way.

Open-minded people are happy to accept ideas and ways of life different from their own.

Self-conscious people are shy and easily embarrassed.

Easy-going people aren’t upset, worried or annoyed by problems.

Big-headed people think they are more important than they really are.

Narrow-minded people don’t want to accept new ideas or opinions different from their own.

Level-headed people are calm and able to make sensible decisions in difficult situations.

Self-assured people have confidence in their own abilities.