Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

Inflight Announcement - Reference

Here are some common in flight announcements that a flight attendant will make.
Learn the announcements off by heart and practice them.
You may need to practice these announcements more than 20 times before you can correctly pronounce the words and structures.
Practice in groups first reading from the book, and then try to make the announcement without looking at the book.
Do not speak too fast.
Your English will be much clearer if you speak a little slower.

Welcome on Board :
Good morning (afternoon/evening) Ladies and Gentlemen.
Of behalf of Korean Air we would like to welcome you on board flight 222 bound for Singapore.
The captain of this flight is X, and my name is Y, your stewardess.
Our flight time to Singapore will be 3 hours and 40 minutes after take off.
To prepare for take off, please ensure that your seat belt is fastened tightly, your seat is in the upright position and your tray table is securely stored.
Thank you.

No Smoking Announcement :
Ladies and Gentlemen
May I have your attention please?
This is a non smoking flight.
Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the cabin at any time.
Smoking in the lavatories is strictly prohibited.
Thank you.

Take Off:
Ladies and Gentlemen
In a few moments we will be taking off.
Please ensure your seat is in the upright position and that your table tray is securely stowed (stored).
Thank you.

In flight service announcement:
Ladies and Gentlemen
We would like to inform you of our in flight services on today’s flight to Singapore .
In a few moments we will be offering a complete beverage service.
All soft drink and fruit juices, cocktails, and beers are complimentary.
A complete list of our selection can be found on the refreshment menu in your seat pocket.

Upon completion of the beverage service, your flight attendants will be serving a hot lunch (dinner/breakfast).
Following the meal service, we will be providing you with a hot beverage of your choice : coffee, tea, green tea, and Korean ginseng tea.
We wish you a pleasant flight.
Thank you.

Turbulence Announcement :
Ladies and Gentlemen
Your captain advises that we are approachin (passing through) an area of turbulence.
For your comfort and safety, you are kindly requested to return to your seat , fasten your seat belt , and remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the fasten seat belt sign is switched off.
Thank you.

Ladies and Gentlemen
We are approaching Changi International Airport.
Please fasten your seat belt and return your seat back and tray table to the upright position.
Also please secure your carry-on baggage in the overhead compartment or under the seat in front of you.
All portable electronic devices must be turned off until the aircraft is parked at the gate.
Thank you.

After Landing :
Ladies and Gentlemen
Welcome to Changi International Airport.
The local time is 11 a.m.
For your safety, please remain seated with your seatbelt fastened until we come to a complete stop, and the captain has turned off the seat belt sign.
Please be sure to take all your belongings with you when you deplane.

And be careful when you are opening the overhead compartment since some of the bags may have shifted during the flight.
On behalf of the entire flight crew, we would like to express our sincere thanks to all of you for flying Korean Air.
We look forward to seeing you again in the near future .
We wish you a pleasant stay in Singapore.

Announcement Looking for a Doctor:
Ladies and Gentlemen
Your attention please.
If there is a doctor on board will he or she please contact a member of the cabin crew.
Thank you.

Safety demonstration :
Ladies and Gentlemen
We will now show you the safety features on this aircraft.
Please give your full attention for a few minutes.
There are 6 emergency exits on both sides of the aircraft.
Please take a moment to locate the nearest exit from your seat.
If there is a loss of electrical power emergency track lights on the floor will be turned on to guide you to an exit.
When the seat belt sign is on, please fasten your seat belt.
To fasten the seat belt, insert the link into the main buckle and tighten the strap across your waist securely.
To release the seat belt, raise the flap on the buckle.
Your oxygen mask is in the overhead compartment and the mask panel will open automatically when needed.
When the mask appears, pull the mask towards you and cover your mouth and nose then adjust the elastic head band.
Please put your mask on first and then help somebody who may need your assistance.
Your life vest is stored under the seat for use in an emergency landing in water.
To put the vest on, slip it over your head, then adjust the straps around your waist.
Please do not inflate the vest inside the aircraft.
To inflate the vest, pull the red tabs down in front of an exit door just before leaving the aircraft.
Each door is equipped with an escape slide that may be detached and used as a life raft.
If you are seated in an exit seat, you must be able to assist other passengers in an emergency.
For further information, please refer to the safety information card in your seat pocket.
Your cooperation will be appreciated.
Thank you.

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