Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

Future Planning

Future plans and ambitions
Be planning to
Be hoping to
Be looking forward to + verb + ing
Would like to
Be thinking of + verb + ing
Would love to

Future prediction = will + inf
Future plan = be going to

Might : bisa jadi, ada kemungkinan

I travel to Jakarta by commuter line.
I'm going on trip to Perth, transit in Bali.
When are you going to return to Jakarta?
I paid Rp. 1.9 million for my gadget Lenovo 6010.
I'm looking for my file.
I sold my Atoz car to somebody in Bogor for Rp. 60 million.
When it was solar eclipse, I looked out of the window and saw the sun for a second.
I spend Rp. 300 thousand on food every week.
I'm going to fly to Perth next 2 months, on 5 May.
I don't always talk about my job.
I will help you with the shopping.

I was surprised to find that my flight had been moved to first class.
I am confused by the findings of the report.
I feel tired after working hard all day.
I'm bored of doing the same thing every day.
Have you seen that film? It is absolutely terrifying.
Dogs often feel frightened during fireworks.
I was shocked to hear about the earthquake.
I think that rainy days in winter are depressing.
It was the most exciting film that I have watched.
The meals of Kansas' Cafe are satisfying.

I didn't recognise him with his sunglasses on.
I decided to build a room upstairs for my office.
I looked after them while their mother was in hospital.
I'm going to feed the chicken.
When I got the rheumatism so bad, I couldn't move around freely.
I think it is time for me to clean the garage.
I'm studying agriculture so that I can take over my family farm some day.
I never seem to have enough time to do housework. There's always something that needs cleaning.
My cousin looks like Angelina Jolie.

Congratulations on the grand opening of the new office building

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