Rabu, 06 Juni 2018

Communication Problem - BE 4 - Unit 1

He is sadly mistaken and he will have to face the consequences of his actions later.

He is slightly better when speaking with customers, but he needs to think about who he is speaking to.

Business is generally best done face to face. If that is impossible, then speaking via the phone.

Too many of us hide behind silent, type communications.

Advantages and disadvantages – Strength and weakness

The recipient

Does not hear a tone of voice.

Does not see a facial expression.

The sender can modify their massage half way through, sensing that it is causing offense.

I can't tell the mood of the email-er.

Expression Problem :

The person speaks too fast or too quietly.

I want someone to stop talking while I do something.

I don’t understand a word / expression to other person uses.

I want to make sure of the spelling of something.

I want more information about a subject.

The connection is not good and I cant continue the conversation.

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