Senin, 30 Mei 2016

Go - Do - Have

Go to + place

Go with + person/people

Go + activity (verb+ing)

Go for + activity (noun)

Go on + travel words (a tour, a holiday, etc).

Go to bed

Go to a party

Go to Jane’s party

Go to an art gallery

Go to the cinema

Go to the gym

Go to the beach

Go to concerts

Go to the doctor

Go to the dentist

Go to museums

Go to your parent’s house for lunch

Go to local villages

Go shopping

Go swimming

Go running

Go sightseeing

Go dancing

Go fishing

Go skiing

Go cycling

Go camping

Go diving

Go snorkeling

Go sailing

Go for a walk in the rain forest

Go for a drink

Go for walks - a walk

Go for long walks
Go for a jog

Go on holiday (uk) on vacation (us)

Go on foot = walk

Go on a / boat trip

Go on a guide tour

Go on a tour of shipwreck

Go on long journey

Go on a business trip

Go with an excellent guide

Go out with friends

Go away for the weekend

Go away for a couple of days

Go by car/bike/plane = take the car/bike/plane

(drive, cycle, fly, walk)

Go home  (leave home x get home)


Do a computer course

Do an exam

Do sport

Do more exercise

Do the housework

Do some more exercise

Do cleaning


Have dinner with friends

Have coffee with friends

Have a party

Have a good time

Have dinner, lunch, breakfast

Have a holiday

Have fun

Have a heart attack

Have picnics

Have a picnic

Have a (good, great, nice, fantastic) time.

Have a bath

Have a shower

Have an accident
Have an operation
Have a problem

GE 7

Go clubbing
Go to exhibitions
Go for a walk/run
Go swimming
Go out for a drink

Do some gardening
Do some exercise
Do yoga

Have a lie-in
Have a quiet night in
Have people round for dinner
Have a massage

Visit relatives
Meet up with friends
Tidy up the house/flat
Chat to people online
Watch tv

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