Senin, 30 Mei 2016

Get - Take - Lose

Get married

Get divorce

Get engaged

Get home

Get up

Get a qualification

Get a degree

Get a job

Get fit

Get stressed

Get a new job

Get sacked
Get promoted
Get lost

Get on/off a bus a train


Take the day off
Take some pain killers
Take some cough medicine
Take some antibiotics

Take the lift
Take the escalator

Carry the shopping
Carry the bag

Eat out

Finish work
Finish classes

Leave school/university
Leave your job
Leave home

Look for a new job
Look for a house/flat

Loose weight
Loose 3 kilos

Lose/find a job
Lose/find a wallet
Lose/find your keys

Move house
Move to another country

Play tennis
Play computer games

Spend time
Spend money

Start school/university
Start a new job
Start work
Start classes

Stay with friend
Stay with family
Stay at home
Stay in a hotel
Stay in bed

Stop smoking
Stop eating sweet things

Wash the car

Wash the window

Watch tv
Watch the news
What sport on tv

I walk to work/school

I go to work by motor bike

An exam = take, revise for, pass, fail

School, college, university = start, go to, leave

Once, twice, three times a week

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