Kamis, 14 April 2016


Good morning, x , can I help you?

Can I speak to x, please?
Is x there, please?
Could I speak to x, please?

Hold the line, please. I'll put you through.
I'm sorry, he's in a meeting.
I'm afraid he's taken the afternoon off.

Can I take a message?
Would you like to leave a massage?
Shall I tell him you called?

+ Can I take a messege?
Yes, please. Could you ask him to phone me tomorrow. My name's y. He can ring me at my office.
+ Yes, of course.
Actually, don't worry. I'll call him on his mobile. Thanks anyway. Bye.

+ Have you tried his mobile?
Yes, but there was no answer, but I left a message. I need to talk to him about our golf weekend.

+ Would you like to leave a massage?
Oh, no thanks. Just tell him that I called. I'll call back later.
Ok, I'll give him the message.

Ask him to phone me tomorrow.
Ask him to phone me back.
Just tell him that I called.

You can ring me at the office.
You can get me on my mobile.
You can call me at home this evening.

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