Minggu, 17 April 2016

Past Continuous

Past - continuous:
He came in for a meal.
He was wearing a nice suit so I noticed him immediately.
We started talking.
He was waiting for me when I finished work.
It was raining so he offered me a lift.
While I was riding to my office, I saw an accident.
Where were you going when you first met your wife.
What were you reading when she started talking to you?
Were you going out with anyone else at the time.
How long did you go out before you got married.

I was waiting for the train when I saw him.
She phoned to ask me out while I was having dinner.
He was waiting for me until I finished work.
When I came out the office, it was raining.
What was the first thing she said to you?

There was once a prince who wanted to ...
Alkisah, tersebutlah,..
He travelled all over the world but he couldn't find.
One night (pada suatu..) While I was sitting in my castle, someone knocked on the door.
When I opened the door, I saw a ..
She asked to stay the night.
I didn't believe him.
In the morning I asked : did you sleep well?
No, I didn't. I couldn't sleep et all.

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