Senin, 26 Mei 2014

Sales & Marketing Director Candidate

To: Regional Director
From: Head, interviewing team
Subject: Appointment of Sales and Marketing Director

Dear Claudia,
We recently interviewed 3 candidates for this position. We have decided to appoint Chantal.
I will briefly describe the candidate’s strengths and explain the reasons for our decision.

First, she has 2 years experience as a market researcher. It is a basic knowledge we think important  to support  analytical job on director position level.

Second, company needs an energetic, dynamic, and enthusiastic people. We think she meets these requirements as she is very eager to progress in her career.

Third, recently our company’s sales result have been poor. We need someone to make a strategy to increase our sales. This candidate has proven that she is a good sales person. It could be conclude from her good sales record in all previous position.

We hope our recomendation above is useful for you to make decision about the appointment of Sales and Marketing Director.

Best Wishes
Head of Interviewing Team

Selasa, 20 Mei 2014


Silence does not always mean "yes". 
Sometimes it means "I am tired of explaining to people who do not even care to understand."

Jumat, 09 Mei 2014


I have a big problem with the computer system.
The other big problem is I have a lot of documents, which are sometimes difficult to find.
I always very busy. It is never quiet.

Minggu, 04 Mei 2014

Company Agenda

We always a big office celebration on the company anniversary.


May I use this room or this office for a few minutes.
Oh, I'm sorry, I don't work here.
I'm visiting today. I'm a visitor.

Who is waiting outside.