Selasa, 10 Juli 2018

Prefix – BE 4 Unit 8: Team Building








Vocabulary revision – prefixes

The electricity was off yesterday morning. Workers disconnected it to make some repairs.

Before the conference, we had a pre-event party with a light meal and rinks.

Malcom’s company has offices in Luxembourg, Madrid, and Paris, so he is very pro-European in his thinking.

I am afraid there is  a real mismatch between your salary expectations and what we can afford to pay you.

After we did the role play, we had a post activity discussion to talk about what we would learned.

We are very happy that both sides feel the same way. This bilateral agreement will make it easy to move ahead.

With workers from 27 different nations, our company is truly multi-cultural.

If you go to our website, you will see that our list of distributors is hyperlinked to each company’s website.


At the beginning of each session, our facilitator reminds us of the points on the agenda. In this way, we avoid the problem of having an unfocused discussion.

The new manager has a tendency to get angry very quickly, and this has given him a reputation for being intolerant of dissent.

Marketing experts who claim that customer have become disloyal to brand are wrong. In fact, customers have just become more discriminating.

The new CEO adopted a traditional, unimaginative approach to our company’s problem, one that barely scratched the surface. Considering that the company had been mismanaged for so long, a more creative course of action would have been better.

Critics often levy two big charges against modern financial capitalism. Firstly, they say it is unjust because a handful enjoy immense financial rewards, while the majority struggle to survive. Secondly, they accuse it of being unstable, always at the mercy of the fluctuations of the market.

Once again, our staff marketing dragged on till unsociable hours, just because our representatives are so indecisive. They cannot make up their minds about the simplest things. At least they agreed to reschedule the sales conference for May instead of April.

Under – not enough
Underestimate underpaid undercharge underuse

Re- do something again
Reattach repaid rewrite recharge remarry replay reuse

Over – too much
Over-optimistic overpaid oversleep overcharge overuse

-full with
Hopeful painful careful successful playful useful 
-less without
Harmless painless sleepless careless useless
Successful unsuccessful

Prefixes and opposites
Un = unconscious unusual uncommon unbelievable unselfish unreliable unambitious unhelpful
Dis = disappear dishonest disorganized disloyal dissimilar
Im = impossible impatient impolite immature
in = Incorrect inconsiderate informal insensitive
Ir = irresponsible irregular

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